Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's time to stop being polite-and start getting real....

Deep breath, and go!

I'm usually pretty private about my weight issues. I acknowledge that they are there, but I don't say a ton because I don't want to call attention to what everyone can see-which is that I need to lose some serious weight. 

60 pounds. 
Or 80 if I want to be real about it. 
And I do. 

I have had weight issues (or at least I thought I did-you know how it is, you look back at pics and you're like "seriously? I looked awesome!" but in your mind you were huge) on and off, but back in 2008 I had some issues with depression/anxiety, started on anti-depressants, and then the weight started piling on. Like literally. I was going to a trainer and he told me the pills were causing me to gain because my diet and exercise were right on. I've tried going off the pills, and that's a bad scene. Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome) which causes a slow metabolism along with other fun symptoms. So I feel like the chips (Pringles Sour Cream) are stacked against me. So I exercise, which I've always loved to do, and attempt to eat healthy, I don't lose anything after a week or two and I get frustrated and quit. I'll continue to exercise but my diet sucks. I'm starting to get into the the whole "the diet starts Monday" mentality. Of course, the diet starts Monday but by Tuesday it's over. I don't want to be that person that's perpetually dieting, perpetually trying to lose weight. It's damaging to the psyche and to the metabolism as well if I start doing stupid things like majorly restricting calories. My metabolism can't take any more problems.

So. Enough rambling on. The past is the past and all that. 

This year I have set a goal of running the American Fork Half Marathon. I'm running it with some of my cousins and friends. It should be awesome. 

I'm hiring a personal trainer who is highly reputable and can produce major results. He gives you a meal plan and workout plan (major strength training-yea! Love weights!) and you check in with him weekly. That's right-it's all on email/texting. This is perfect for me-I'm someone who prefers to workout solo and having a trainer right there with me made me really self conscious. 

I'm cutting back on sugar. For the month of March I won't be eating any sweets/desserts. This is my weakness, but I can be strong!

I've got some products I've been using from a company called Genesis Pure that I absolutely love and I can use for workouts and general health. 

And I've started this blog. 

It originally was meant to be private but I've decided to make it public. Maybe my story can help someone else, and knowing that people are reading this (even if it's only my family and a few close friends) at least I know I have to be accountable because I have officially put it out there. 

So buckle up-this could be a bumpy ride but it will be worth it!


  1. "I have had weight issues (or at least I thought I did-you know how it is, you look back at pics and you're like "seriously? I looked awesome!" but in your mind you were huge)".

    Well said - it is a facepalm moment every time :)
